Monday 2 February 2015

How to do Perma Stun with 6/9 Pumpkin Duke

Hi guys. Kaizer Zia is back.

Yesterday night, I successfully did my first perma stun for boss 3 in castle clash. The rumor said that I have to have 7/9 Pumpkin Duke (PD) is proved not 100% correct. I was able to permanent stun the boss with heroes above. I will give you a list for all heroes conditions, so you know what to do to get the perma stun :):

I use 5 heroes for the boss (only have 5 hero bases)

1. Pumpkin Duke: he is the most important hero in here, no doubt about it. My PD is in level 140. He has 3/5 revitalize and 6/9 skill (celebrate)

2. Cupid: if PD is the king, she is the queen of this game. I have my Cupid at level 140. She has 1/5 revitalize only and 5/9 skill. Some people said 4/9 to 6/9 skills do the same effects. So, increase Cupid to 4/9 and focus on PD to get 7/9 celebrate as soon as possible

3. Champion: well, if you notice, I only have level 100 Champion. This is because he has low Health Point and I do not use him in raiding. You don't need high level Champion and his skill could be in low level as well, since the stun that he makes is constant at 3 seconds. My Champ has 1/5 deadly strike

4. Thunder god: now the most useful shard-able heroes after druid. I have level 140 TG and he has 2/6 revive. His 1.5 seconds stun is also useful in the boss fight. Besides, he can be useful in almost all aspects of the game: raiding, expedition, here be monster, heroes trial, arena, and etc. (My suggestion is recruit him in the beginning of your game. Do not buy any hero, even Champion, in the beginning of the game before buying him. He is so well rounded that you will use until the end of the game). In raiding he has unique skill (thunderstorm) that can wipe out all heroes and tower in the middle of enemy's base without even touch them directly (He can just destroy surrounding building and proc the enemies in the middle of the base)

5. My last heroes in the boss fight is Immortep: I do not use Druid on bossing, since I focus on stunners team. My Immortep only in level 140 and has 3/9 storm of seth. He also has 2/5 heavy blow which is helpful in boss fight. He can proc back to back with PD's buff. So the Immo never stop using his 6 seconds skill in my fight.

- Druid: I have level 140 Druid with 5/5 scatter. I will probably try to use him as a replacement for Immo if the PD reaches 7/9. I am rushing on the 6th hero base at this moment. If that's done, I will use all of these heroes in all aspects of the game. I probably still will change Champion to my Snowzilla because of Champ's low HP and that could be a problem in high level raiding.

-----> I got 3 Pumpkin Dukes these days by rolling gems. I hope that I could get Vlad, Aries, or Orksbane thou. Ok guys, I think that's all for now. If you guys have a question, let me know in the comment space below. :). KaizerZia's out :v


  1. Saya mau bertanya bagaimana saya bisa mendapatkan DMG yg besar saat melawqn boss 3 dengan hero yg saya gunakan saat ini druid level 132 skil 5/9, santa level 131 skil 5/9, vlad level 131 skil 5/9, dewa guntur level 126 skil 5/9, immortep level 126 skil 5/9. Saya tidak memilik pumkin duke.
    Saya harap anda bisa memberi saran atau trick saat melawan boss 3.
    S3bekumnya saya ucapkan terima kasih...

  2. Biasanya jika tidak memiliki Pumpkin Duke, disarankan memakai tanker seperti Atlanticore ataupun Paladin. dan disarankan untuk melawan boss 2 saja karena dia tidak stun semua hero. Jadi masih bisa survive dengan heal dari Druid. Untuk boss 3 agak susah memang, tanker saja sampai semampu kita untuk tetap hidup dan tingkatkan level druid untuk meningkatkan healingnya :)
